There are many lots of reasons why you may decide to sell up and consider relocating to a new area. Whether it’s for a new job, a relationship, to be nearer to family, or even to free up some equity and take on a cheaper property, the prospect of relocating can be daunting as well as exciting. There are many logistical details to consider, from leaving your current property to getting everything moved.
To help you, we’ve put together our tips for starting afresh in a new area (although we can’t imagine why anyone would ever want to leave beautiful Bromley!)
Finding out about the area
Relocating can be a scary, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area you are moving to. If you’re looking to relocate to Bromley, don’t forget that our team are local experts and will be able to share their knowledge with you and find you the ideal home in a location that suits you.
They will also be able to share with you places to go, local demographics, as well as advising you of local schools and catchment areas if necessary. Also things like knowing where the nearest local pharmacy is are useful, and also how to register with a local doctor on the internet by visiting the NHS website.
After the move
- Hold an ‘open house’ and invite your new neighbours round for a cuppa or a drink. It’s good to try to create a community for yourself, and have good relations with neighbours- you never know when you might need someone to lend a helping hand and vice versa!
- Make friends with your colleagues (if applicable) and find out what there is to do in the local area and if there are any work activities – maybe they all go bowling once a month or to the pub?
- Joining a local gym, club or sports team is a great way to meet new people.
- Explore your new area- in Bromley ‘EnBro’ offers many free walks around the borough and it’s a great way of meeting new people too.
- Look out for the local paper, leaflets and community boards, as well as local Facebook groups as they are full of information about local clubs, societies and groups that you can join.